Monday, March 12, 2012

New Milestones

What a week for mile stones!!!!

Carter, began the oh so popular question of WHY? (let me tell you, he asks Why about EVERYTHING!) It's okay now, he will be okay with my answers, but soon i fear he'll continue asking, why,why,why,why? So hre we go!

Chase, he has perfected his jumping. And he gladly shows it off!

Caleb has begun sleeping 8-11 hours at night. Neither of the other two were even close to sleeping through the night at 2 months.... Caleb is however, bigger than C1 and C2 at this age...

I began a 60 workout program. I would love to lose some weight, (3 kids in 3 year, i have it to lost), but I am more excited about getting my energy back too! I was so yucky feeling with Caleb, that most of the pregnancy I was too nausiated to do much.

Chris began his dream of designing our next house. In high school, he always said one day he would design and build his house. (he took a lot of architecture classes). Well, we are begining the long process of building our own home. First step draw plans. Chris is excited to start this. We'll draw the plans, and look atit a few weeks before we finalize it, to make sure we dont' want to change anything...super excited! This will be a long process, about a year to two years.Patients!


Shelldell said...

Way to go Caleb, Jolene, Chris

Grandma Knapp said...

We are so excited for you all.